Specialist Planning

Specialist planning for media technology systems. In an increasingly networked world, a well thought-out and efficient media technology infrastructure is indispensable. Our “Specialist planning for media technology systems” division offers you comprehensive planning solutions that are tailored to your individual requirements. From the initial idea to the final implementation, we accompany you every step of the way and ensure that your projects are not only technically flawless, but also future-proof and user-friendly. Whether for small businesses or large organizations, we create the media technology infrastructure you need to succeed in a digital world. Contact us to find out more about our specialist planning services and get started on your next project together.

Überblick der Leistungen:

  • Konzeption
  • Entwurf
  • Detailplanung
  • Individuelle Sonderlösungen
  • Ausführungsplanung
  • Projektsteuerung
  • Bauleitung
  • Umsetzung
  • In-Betriebnahme

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